House History Service
The HSWO regularly receives research requests regarding local homes and properties. We do our best to assist property owners with one hour of free research in the archives, and by guiding them through the process so they can continue on their own. We have also offered a class on how to research your home and property. While this satisfies most research needs, we also recognize that many homeowners would like to know more about their home and property. To meet this need, we are now offering a House History Service.
This service will assist homeowners who wish to dig deeper into the genealogy and architecture of their home. It will be prepared by the Society’s Director, Bryce Waldrop, a Preservation Architect and Architectural Historian with more than twenty-five years of experience. The fee for the service will cover staff time and includes $200 raised for the HSWO (see fee below).

The process will include the following research areas and will be summarized in an attractive, well-illustrated report.
Deed research (ownership chronology)
Map research
Historical photographs (as available)
Census and tax records
Probate research
Historical description of the community/context
Relevant genealogy of the home’s occupants
Architectural Investigation, noting changes and significant details
2-hour walk-through with property owners
Architectural style and changes noted
Details summarized in report with photographs
“Uncovering your home’s story is a great way to connect with the past. There is so much we can learn from the details lurking in every corner.”
~ Executive Director, Bryce Waldrop
What is not included:
Legal title search
Technical conditions assessment of the structure or property

The homeowner will be involved throughout the process and is welcome to assist in the research. The homeowner will also be provided one (1) copy of the report while a second copy will be placed in the Historical Society Library, adding to our research collection.
Cost of Report: $900
This includes
$700 to cover staff time (approx. 25 hrs.)
$200 raised for HSWO
Learn more about your home while supporting the Historical Society! And it makes a great gift!
Please contact us for more information.