Join Us!
Not a member yet? We welcome your support.
Already a member? Two easy ways to renew.
As we face new challenges in the year ahead, membership contributions are appreciated more than ever. Through the tremendous generosity of our members, we are able to continue preserving the history of Wells and Ogunquit by maintaining our daily operations as well as the museum’s collections, our research library and archives, and the historic Meetinghouse.
Membership Levels & Benefits
Individual -- Adult $30, Student $15 (under age 25)
*Free for York County educators
Free access to Museum tours
10% discount in Gift Shop
2 free tour/program guest passes
“Members Only” events
Free research assistance in our Library & Archives
Use of Ancestry.com in our Library
Annual subscription to quarterly newsletter, Waves & Furrows
Voting rights at the Annual Meeting
Family -- $50
Same benefits as above
Includes two adults and all children under 18 years of age
Patron -- $100
Same benefits as above, plus:
4 free tour/program guest passes
Discount when renting the Meetinghouse for weddings and functions
Society Circle -- $500
Same benefits as above, plus:
Free tour/program passes for all guests
Name recognition (optional) in our newsletter & on our website
Free use of the Meetinghouse for weddings and functions
VIP Tours
Business Member -- $75
Same benefits as Family membership, plus:
Business name recognition on our website
Membership certificate for display at your business
Business Advertiser -- $125
Same benefits as Business Member, plus:
Advertising in our quarterly newsletter, Waves & Furrows
Business Partner -- $300
Same benefits as Business Advertiser, plus:
Business name and logo on our website landing page
Discount when renting the Meetinghouse for corporate functions
*York County Educators - please use the downloadable form to receive your free HSWO membership. Thank you!